Settlement permit
EU Blue Card
If you are an EU Blue Card holder, you can apply for a settlement permit after 27 months. This period may be shorter if you have sufficient knowledge of German. This page lists the requirements necessary to the granting of a settlement permit and specifies which documents you must submit for this purpose.
- Holder of an EU Blue Card for 27 or 21 months
You have been an EU Blue Card holder for 27 months. In this case, you must not only hold a residence permit, but your employment must meet the requirements of the EU Blue Card (salary threshold) for the entire period.
Do you have sufficient German language skills (B1 level)? In this case, being an EU Blue Card holder for 21 months is sufficient.
- Retirement provisions
You have made compulsory contributions to the statutory pension insurance scheme over a period of at least 27 months.
Do you have sufficient German language skills (B1 level)? In this case, 21 months of compulsory contributions to the statutory pension insurance scheme are sufficient.
- Covering living expenses
You can cover your own and your family’s living expenses without applying for public benefits. This means that you do not receive public benefits such as those from the Job Centre.
- Basic knowledge of the legal and social systems
You have a basic knowledge of the legal and social system and living conditions in Germany. You can prove this by passing the “Living in Germany” test or the citizenship test.
- Adequate living space
You and your family members have adequate living space. As a rule, this is the case if each family member over the age of six has 12 square metres of living space (excluding kitchen, bathroom and toilet) at their disposal. For children under six years of age, living space of 10 sqm is sufficient.
- No criminal offences
You must not commit any criminal offences in Germany. In this case, even fines may prevent the granting of a settlement permit.
- Health insurance
You and your family members must have sufficient health insurance cover. This is the case if you have statutory health insurance or equivalent private health insurance.
- Basic knowledge of German
You have a basic knowledge of the German language which corresponds to level A1.
If you meet the requirements for the granting of a settlement permit, you can be issued a permanent certificate of residential status.
Please bring the following with you…
If you wish to apply for a settlement permit as a skilled worker, please bring the following documents with you (if we do not already have them):
- Your valid passport
- A current passport photo
- A completed application form
- Employment contract
- Current salary statements
- Tenancy agreement (and current rent certificate, if available)
- Proof of health insurance
- Proof of compulsory contributions to the statutory pension insurance scheme
- B1 certificate or A1 certificate
- “Living in Germany” test or citizenship test
- Fee: € 113.00
Further documents may be required in individual cases. If this applies to you, we will inform you accordingly.
Please note: An appointment is required to receive the settlement permit. Please send us an appointment request.