Art and culture
Museums: Art, history, and more
More than 30 museums in Münster invite you to explore - from the cathedral treasury to the graphic works of Pablo Picasso, from town history to the Horse Museum.
Münster’s museum landscape offers a whole range of highlights, for example the Museum for Laquer Art with its extensive collection of works from East Asia, Europe, and the Muslim world for instance, or the Picasso Museum dedicated to the graphic works of Pablo Picasso. Also the other museums are worth a visit and more. From the Botanical Garden and the LWL Museum for Art and Culture to the Mühlenhof Open-Air Museum - there's something for every taste. Listed below are the museums of Münster at a glance...

Kunstmuseum Pablo Picasso (Museum of Pablo Picasso Art)

LWL-Museum für Naturkunde/Westfälisches Landesmuseum mit Planetarium (LWL Natural History Museum/Westphalian State Museum and Planetarium)

Westfälisches Pferdemuseum im Allwetterzoo Münster (Westphalian Horse Museum at the Münster All-Weather zoo)

Archäologisches Museum der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster (Archaeological Museum of the University of Münster)

Bibelmuseum der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster (Bible Museum of the University of Münster)

Mühlenhof-Freilichtmuseum (Mühlenhof open-air museum)

Westfälischer Kunstverein (Westphalian Art Society)

Geschichtsort Villa ten Hompel (Villa ten Hompel History Museum)